Cat. nr: 35120284
Number of tests: 100
Content: All reagents are in individual vials (no PCR-tubes) + Taq-F polymerase (“hot start”)
The Bordetella pertussis / B.parapertussis / B.bronchiseptica PCR kit is an in vitro nucleic acid amplification test for qualitative detection and differentiation of genome specific fragments of pathogens causing pertussis (Bordetella pertussis), parapertussis (Bordetella parapertussis), and Bordetella bronchiseptica infection (Bordetella bronchiseptica) in clinical material (swabs taken from the mucous membrane of inferior nasal meatus and posterior pharyngeal wall, cultures of microorganisms) by using real-time hybridization-fluorescence detection.
Cat. nr: 35120284
Number of tests: 100
Content: All reagents are in individual vials (no PCR-tubes) + Taq-F polymerase (“hot start”)
Real-time instruments, for example: